Backside Boardslide
Performed by Adam Sullivan-filmed by Dorian Tucker

This is the easiest of the slide tricks and will get you used to the feeling of how your board slides on different obstacles. It also serves as a good warm-up trick on an obstacle for more advanced skaters, in order to gauge how that particular obstacle slides. Approach the object at a very mellow angle. Pop an ollie and get your nose and front truck up and over the object, landing on the deck between the trucks. Center your weight over the board and slide until the end of the obstacle. When nearing departure from the object, start to turn yourself and your board 90 degrees, but don't be too anxious or your wheels will hit the object before you come off. A slight bounce off of the end of the object allows you to fly off the end instead of dropping straight down to the ground. Depending on the obstacle, this trick sometimes requires you to lift your front truck over the obstacle while coming off. To do this, put pressure on your tail as you turn off the object, as if you're doing a kickturn in the air
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