Frontside Air
Performed by Craig Whitehead - filmed by Dorian Tucker - Words By Dean Randall

You want to be comfortable grinding or kickturning frontside before you huck your first frontside air. As with backside airs, early grabs are not recommended. You'll naturally tend to reach AROUND your knees for your board, or BETWEEN them. Reach around them if possible, because habits can be hard to break and you don't want a stink bug habit to start in the first place. Go up the wall at a slight angle, with your shoulders facing the coping. You should have enough speed going to do an air, but don't go so fast that you lose control every time you get in the air. As you approach the lip, you should have your knees bent, be a little tucked, and have your trailing hand starting to reach towards your board. Let your weight shift to your back foot a little bit as you come off of the coping, and your board should pop right into your waiting hand. Stay tucked and look for your landing spot. Land with your knees bent. Try to get your board to trace a smooth arc from start to finish. The higher you go, the slower you will turn in the air.
Watch Crum and learn.
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