Backside Tailslide
Performed by Adam Sullivan-filmed by Dorian Tucker

Go fast and get ready! You want to approach the obstacle at a little bit of an angle but mainly parallel. Ollie and turn the lower half of your body to get your tail on the ledge, keeping your shoulders parallel to the ledge at all times. Now there are two ways to come out� forward or fakie. To come out forward, just let the lower half of your body turn back to parallel with your shouders as you drop off of the ledge. To come out fakie, turn the upper half of your body so you start facing backwards right before you want to come off. Keep rotating that torso so that by the time you come off and land, you are now facing the ledge. The plan is that your legs and feet and board follow your shoulders around and you land parallel to the ledge. Now learn 3 flips into it like superstar Jason Lee
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